Using our brand

By using our brand assets, you indicate your acceptance of our Usage Guidelines and you understand that a violation of these guidelines will result in the termination of your permission to use our brand assets.

Dagster+ logo

Dagster Core logo

Dagster emoji pack

Color palette

Click a swatch to copy its hex value



Gable Green




Blurple Dark


Sea Foam


Gable Green Dark


Gray 900


Gray 500


Gray 200




Usage guidelines

Our brand assets must be used in a respectful manner and may not be used in a way that harms us, our products or services, or in a manner which, in our opinion, lessens or otherwise damages our reputation or the goodwill in our brand assets. Your use must not mislead consumers as to our sponsorship of, affiliation with or endorsement of your company or your products or services. Your use of our brand assets indicates your acceptance of these guidelines, and you understand that violating of these guidelines will result in a termination of your permission to use our brand assets.