Dagster Day recap

(Aug 9th 2022)

Dagster 1.0 and Dagster Cloud GA mark a new era for Dagster. Check out a recap of our announcements below or watch the full event stream on YouTube.

Welcome to Dagster Day

Dagster Labs (formerly Elementl) founder and CEO Nick Schrock provides an overview of Dagster 1.0 and Dagster Cloud.

Introducing Dagster 1.0

Dagster 1.0 provides a stable foundation of core abstractions so that you can build with confidence.

Software-Defined Assets

Learn more about Software-Defined Assets — Dagster’s declarative approach for managing data assets — in just 97 seconds.

Software-Defined Assets Demo

Get started with Dagster’s Software-Defined Assets. This end-to-end example walks through creating assets in Python, as well as loading them from tools such as dbt.

Dagster Cloud

A managed orchestration service built on top of Dagster open-source with two hosting options: Serverless (we host everything) and Hybrid (we host the control plane, and you bring the compute).

Branch Deployments

Move swiftly from development to production with Dagster’s revolutionary ephemeral testing environments that are identical to your production set-up.

Dagster Cloud Demo

Dagster Cloud is the easiest way to get started with Dagster. Watch a walkthrough of the onboarding steps.

Dagster Community Testimonials

Hear from Dagster users on what they love about the framework.

Meet the Team Behind Dagster

Get to know some of the core team members at Dagster Labs.

Get started today
Unlimited users, a free trial, and 30 days to experience the unique Dagster approach.