Join us for five days of expert-led data engineering and platform-building sessions featuring insights from top industry leaders.
New Dagster Features
Day 1 - 11/18
The Future of Data Platforms is Composable, Unified, and Leveraged
Every company needs to invest in its data platform and empower its engineers to build a centralized data platform to help navigate the heterogeneous tool ecosystem and complexities of today.
Day 2 - 11/19
Core Orchestration: Event-driven automation and native partitioning
Best-in-class data engineering requires a comprehensive orchestration solution with flexible tools for partitioning and event-based scheduling.
Day 3 - 11/20
Integrations as Composable Parts: Pipes GA, Embedded ELT, Declarative Transformation
A centralized data platform requires standardized ways of integrating and invoking all compute. Dagster provides an abstraction layer that brings integration, visibility, and control together for end-to-end ownership.
Day 4 - 11/21
Orchestration Unification and Federation
Airlift provides a toolkit to accelerate, lower costs, and reduce the risk of migrating to Dagster from Airflow. Stick around for a sneak peek at the future of orchestration unification and federation.
Day 5 - 11/22
Data Platform System of Record & Data Engineering Panel
Dagster is the single source of truth for data platform owners and pipeline builders, with end-to-end visibility of data materialization. A stacked panel discussion follows with insider insights into the tools and processes shaping the data landscape.