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Get the right tools for running Dagster with ADLS2 and Blob Storage

Get the right tools for running Dagster with ADLS2 and Blob Storage

Get utilities for ADLS2 and Blob Storage.

About this integration

Dagster helps you use Azure Storage Accounts as part of your data pipeline. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 (ADLS2) is our primary focus but we also provide utilities for Azure Blob Storage.


pip install dagster-azure


# Store your software-defined assets in ADLS2

from dagster import Definitions, asset
from dagster_azure.adls2 import ADLS2Resource, ADLS2PickleIOManager
import pandas as pd

def asset1():
    return pd.DataFrame()

def asset2(asset1):
    return df[:5]

defs = Defintions(
    assets=[asset1, asset2],
        "io_manager": ADLS2PickleIOManager(

About Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform operated by Microsoft for application management via Microsoft-managed data centers.