Use Case Library
Explore real-world data engineering use cases implemented with Dagster
Loading a CSV file to Snowflake
This use case demonstrates how to load a CSV file into a Snowflake table using Dagster. The objective is to automate the process of reading ...
Automatically Process Files Landing in AWS S3
This use case demonstrates how to automate the process of processing files being written to an S3 bucket.
Using Dagster Pipes Subprocess to Run a CLI Command
This use case demonstrates how to use Dagster Pipes to run a CLI command within a Dagster asset. The objective is to execute non-Python ...
dagster pipessubprocess
Load a file to an SFTP server with Dagster
This use case demonstrates how to transfer a file to an SFTP server using Dagster. The objective is to automate the process of uploading ...
sftpfile transfer
Replicate CSV Files in S3 to Snowflake with Sling
This use case demonstrates how to transfer data from Snowflake to Amazon S3 using Dagster. The objective is to automate the extraction of ...
Snowflake to S3 Data Transfer with Dagster
This use case demonstrates how to transfer data from Snowflake to Amazon S3 using Dagster. The objective is to automate the extraction of ...
Ingesting Data from S3 to Snowflake with Dagster and Sling
This use case demonstrates how to ingest data from Amazon S3 into Snowflake using Dagster and the Sling integration from dagster-sling. The ...
snowflakes3slingdata ingestion