November 11, 202214 minute read

Pushing REST-API data to Google Sheets with Dagster

A total beginners tutorial in which we store REST API data in Google Sheets and learn some key abstractions.
Fraser Marlow
Fraser Marlow

a logo of Dagster and a Google Sheet
In this beginner’s guide, we pull data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics database, store it in Google Sheets, then do some calculations on the data.

When building data pipelines, it’s sometimes useful to push data out to a Google Sheet. You might do this as a quick QC test. Or maybe you just need to knock out a quick table for a business user. Giving them a Google sheet is a quick way to cross this off your list.

You can output data samples to individual tabs of a Google Sheet as a lightweight way for other collaborators to check that the assets created meet their needs.

Dagster makes this task trivial thanks to its software-defined assets (SDA) abstraction. In this beginner's tutorial, we will look at how to add a Google Sheet SDA to your pipeline using the Python library pygsheets.

Key concepts

To understand Dagster, it helps to know a few key concepts:

  • Assets: Assets refer to either the definition of a data asset we wish to create or an existing asset we can use in (or is output by) our pipeline.
  • Materialization: Having defined a required asset, we generate an instance of that asset by ‘materializing’ it. So by ‘materialize’ you can simply think ‘create’ or ‘generate’.
  • I/O Managers: In Dagster we use I/O Managers to separate out our operations on the data from where we store our results. This is very handy when you want to quickly swap out your storage from - say - Google Sheets to a database or data warehouse.

What we will cover:

Section 1: getting to a basic POC

In this first section we will set up a functioning—but fairly basic—pipeline to push data to Goggle Sheets.

Step 1: Install the Dagster project.

Let’s start in our home folder:

$ cd ~

As a best practice, we will run this project inside a virtual environment.

$ python3 -m venv .dag-venv
$ source ./.dag-venv/bin/activate
$(dag-venv) python3 --version

That last command will confirm what version of Python you are on.

For reference, I am currently running Python 3.10.8

So next let’s install Dagster, Dagit (the UI for Dagster) and build out a project:

$(dag-venv) pip install --upgrade pip
$(dag-venv) pip install dagster dagit
$(dag-venv) dagster --version

For reference, I am currently running dagster, version 1.2.6 Now, to get started quickly we are going to build a vanilla Dagster ‘scaffolded’ project using the CLI command:

$(dag-venv)  dagster project scaffold --name dagster-gsheets

Note that we are calling this project dagster-sheets but that is arbitrary. Name it as you like. You should now see the message “Success! Created dagster-gsheets at /Users/yourname/dagster-gsheets.”

If you run into issues at this stage, the installation steps for Dagster can be found here.

So now lets enter our new directory and run the install command.

$(dag-venv)  cd dagster-gsheets
$(dag-venv)  pip install -e '.[dev]'

The step above will fetch a list of required packages found in the file on line 7:


Granted, the list is quite short for now.

Let’s boot up Dagster:

$(dag-venv)  dagster dev

You can go check this out in a browser at http://localhost:3000/

This is very cool, but you are also presented with an underwhelming message:

No jobs: Your definitions are loaded, but no jobs were found.

a screenshot of an empty Dagster project

This makes sense. It is a blank instance for now. Since we will be working with pygsheets and pandas, let’s add that to the requirements list. Update the file dagster-gsheets/ to read:


If Dagit is still running in your browser, you can interrupt it in the terminal window with cntl+C, then rerun the following commands to install the additional packages and restart Dagit:

$(dag-venv)  pip install -e '.[dev]'
$(dag-venv)  dagster dev

At this point, we have what we need, and we can start to build a simple pipeline.

A quick walk-through of the Dagster project structure.

If you look inside our dagster-gsheets folder, you will see a barebones Dagster project:

├── dagster_gsheets
│   ├──
│   └──
├── dagster_gsheets.egg-info
├── dagster_gsheets_tests
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg

For now, we are going to just worry about the following two files:


This file is currently empty, but is going to be our main working file where we will define in code the data assets we want Dagster to generate. Dagster can call on any arbitrary python function to work on data.


In the main file we will define the‘components’ we will use to build our pipeline. This will include our assets and I/O Managers which we will discuss later. But it could also include schedules, sensors, and other bits and pieces.

Our first data asset: from API call to Pandas dataframe

First, we are going to create a basic pandas DataFrame using an API call.

Bureau of Labor Statistics logo
We will use the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ public API to pull in Consumer Price Index data. The BLS API 2.0 allows us to make an anonymous call to pull small amounts of data so we don’t need an API key for this.
Dagster has a full pandas integration which allows us to do clever things, like run validation of the data types in a DataFrame. But for now, we will keep this simple.
Bureau of Labor Statistics logo

First, let's pull in the dagster and pandas libraries so we can use DataFrames.

We will also include json and requests so that we can pull in a json payload form an API.

Edit dagster_gsheets/ as follows:

from dagster import asset
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json

Then let’s declare our first data asset - a simple pandas dataframe

def my_dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame:
  Pull inflation data from BLS
  headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
  data = json.dumps({"seriesid": ["CUUR0000SA0"], "startyear": "2017", "endyear": "2022"})
  p ="", data=data, headers=headers)
  json_data = json.loads(p.text)
  df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data["Results"]["series"][0]["data"])
  df = df.astype({"year":'int32',"period": 'string',"periodName": 'string',"value":'float'})
  if 'footnotes' in df.columns:
      df.drop(columns=['footnotes'], axis=1, inplace=True)
  return df

Simply put we are:

  1. Decorating our next Python function as an ‘Asset’ which informs Dagster to add it to our asset catalog and expands the functionality of the function.
  2. Defining the function itself. On this line we also validate the output of this asset, namely a Pandas DataFrame.
  3. Adding a description as to what this asset is.
  4. Calling the BLS API and retrieve our data series, and set the time period we want.
  5. Selecting the right node. The json payload we retrieve has a lot of information, but we only need the data node and we convert that to a Pandas dataframe.
  6. Converting the data types - this is actually redundant in this example, but is good practice in case we want to do more manipulations of the data.
  7. Returning the value (the dataframe) to whatever calls this decorated function.

So why is this now an ‘asset’? Because we have declared an actual set of data that is generated during the run of our pipeline. When this runs, we will have a new dataset of BLS data from 2018 to 2022 that we can work with.

If we refresh our Dagit interface by clicking the folder button in the bottom left corner of Dagit

a screenshot of Dagsters Reload location function

Our new asset shows up:

a screenshot of an empty unmaterialized Dagster asset.

And we can click ‘Materialize’ to see it run.

a screenshot of Dagster's materialize all button

Note it will take a minute to run - the BLS API is not the fastest. You can click on ‘Runs’ in the header to watch the execution of the call.

Where did my data go?

Granted. It does not appear to do much right now. But when Dagster materialized the dataframe, it actually stored the outputs in a local folder in your dagster-gsheets directory under a temporary folder. If you explore that temporary folder (called something like tmpxcejtrqi) you will find three sub-folders: history, schedules, and storage.

These temporary folders will only persist for the duration of your session. When you close down Dagster, they will be removed from disk. This is something we can change later by running a local daemon.

As you learn more about Dagster, you will discover why this interim storage is a powerful architecture that provides great flexibility.

For now, we did include a print(df) command, so the output of the dataframe was also printed to your terminal. If you check there you will see the dataframe output as follows:

2022-11-06 23:13:47 -0500 - dagster - DEBUG - __ASSET_JOB - XXXXXXX - 86444 - my_dataframe - STEP_START - Started execution of step "my_dataframe".
    year period periodName latest    value
0   2022    M09  September   true  296.808
1   2022    M08     August    NaN  296.171
2   2022    M07       July    NaN  296.276
3   2022    M06       June    NaN  296.311
4   2022    M05        May    NaN  292.296
..   ...    ...        ...    ...      ...
64  2017    M05        May    NaN  244.733
65  2017    M04      April    NaN  244.524
66  2017    M03      March    NaN  243.801
67  2017    M02   February    NaN  243.603
68  2017    M01    January    NaN  242.839
We have an asset!

Now Dagit shows the details of this first materialization (date and run id).

mppy the most popular type checker for Python.

If you now navigate to Assets in the header:

mppy the most popular type checker for Python.

You will see the details of the new materialized asset:

a screenshot of Dagit's assets view

From here you can click on

an illustration of Dagit's view details button
to explore some of the powerful cataloging and lineage features.

Now let’s go ahead and create a Google sheet, then add the code to populate it with data.

Create a Google Sheet

While you can create a Google Sheet programmatically, for this demo it’s easier to start with an existing one. Using your regular Google Account, create a new Google Sheet.

For this demo, mine is called ‘Dagster Demo Sheet’:

a screenshot of a new google sheets document
Create a Google Service Account

You will be familiar with regular Google accounts for accessing Gmail, Drive, or Docs. These regular accounts allow you to provide permissions, such as sharing a Google Sheet with another user.

Google also allows you to create Service Accounts which are designed to manage the same permissions for systems. To allow our Dagster instance to access your Google Sheets, it needs its own Google Service Account.

You will find a general guide to Google Service accounts here.

You'll need to create a service account and OAuth2 credentials from the Google API Console. Follow the steps below to enable the API and grab your credentials. But the steps in creating a service account are as follows:

  1. Go to - if you already have a GCP account, click on ‘Console’ in the top right corner. Otherwise, sign up with the ‘Get Started For Free’ button.
  2. If you are required to provide a payment method for Google Cloud, don’t fret - the amount of usage we will generate will not incur any billing.
  3. Create a new project by selecting My Project -> + button or by clicking the project drop-down in the top left corner.
  4. Give your project a name and click 'Create'
  5. Use the search function, or click on API & Services -> Library. Locate 'Google Drive API', and enable it.
    Locating the Google Drive API in Google Console
  6. Now click on 'Credentials' in the left hand menu
  7. Click '+ CREATE CREDENTAILS' and select 'Service Account'
    mppy the most popular type checker for Python.
  8. Create a service account by giving it a name and a description of your choice. You can ignore the two optional steps.
    Creating a Service Account in Google Console
  9. On the next screen, click on the email address you want to create a key for (under 'Service Accounts')
  10. Look for the 'KEYS' tab
  11. Click on 'Add Key' -> 'Create a new key'
  12. Select 'JSON' and the key you need will download.
  13. Save the JSON file in the dagster_gsheets folder hosting your project renamed as service-key.json.

You can now make this Service Account an editor on your Google Sheet:

mppy the most popular type checker for Python.
Declare a Google Sheet data asset you want to exist

With Dagster’s declarative approach, we simply define a new asset we wish to exist - in this case it will be a dataset inside our Google Sheet:

First, let’s add pygsheets to our available modules, and add an additional dagster object called AssetIn - update the top of your file as follows:

from dagster import asset, AssetIn
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
import pygsheets

Now let’s add our new asset as the end of the file:

def my_gsheet(context, my_dataframe):
  gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='dagster_gsheets/service-key.json')
  sh ='Dagster Demo Sheet')
  wks = sh[0]
  wks.title = "My Data"
  wks.set_dataframe(my_dataframe, (1, 1))
  context.add_output_metadata({"row_count": len(my_dataframe)})

So what’s going on here?

  1. Again we are using the @asset decorator to declare our asset.
  2. We are providing an asset key (my_gsheet) and specifying the key of our upstream asset.
  3. We create an authorized connection using our service key
  4. We open up a connection to our specified sheet
  5. We open the first tab in our worksheet (Sheet with index of 0)
  6. We clear any old data from the sheet
  7. We assign a name to the tab (this could be useful, for example to rename the tab with today’s date)
  8. We write the contents of our my_dataframe asset to the Google sheet starting in cell A1.
  9. The final line illustrates how we can write additional metadata using the context object. In this case we capture the number of rows written to Google sheets.

Now, if you reload the location in Dagit, you will see our two assets in the asset graph, along with the dependency between them:

a screen capture of two data assets with the second on as yet unmaterialized

If we now click ‘Materialize all’, the mini pipeline we created will execute and our DataFrame should now be written to the Google Sheet:

screenshot of a google sheets document with imported data

Now, if you click on 'Assets' in the header menu in Dagit, and select the my_gsheets asset you will see some of the basic metadata on our materialized asset.

Data asset metadata displayed in Dagit.

Congratulations, this completes part 1. As you create more sophisticated pipelines, having the option to push data out to Google Sheets provides a nimble way of testing or sharing data, and I am sure you will find many creative ways of putting this to use.

Continue reading for part 2 of this tutorial...

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Section 2: Building out the framework

Now that our rudimentary pipeline is built out let’s look at how we can shore it up with some additional features of Dagster.

Let’s group our assets

You may have noticed that our asset graph sits in a view called ‘default’ which is not very endearing.

a screenshot of the default workspace as shown in Dagster's UI, Dagit.

With Dagster you may end up creating dozens of pipelines (or asset graphs), and each graph may have dozens of assets. It would help for us to group the assets we have created and give them a descriptive label.

We do this by simply specifying a group name as the argument group_name in the @asset decorator for both assets:


Now, when we refresh the location in Dagster, we see:

a screengrab of the updated code location in Dagster.

That’s better.

Declaring Definitions

Right now our little pipeline is sort of hanging out there as just a couple of Dagster software-defined assets.

It would help for us to create a Dagster project to keep all of our elements in one place. We do this using Definitions — entities that Dagster learns about by importing your code.

Managing one type of definition, such as assets, is easy. However, it can quickly become unruly as your project grows to have a variety of definitions (ex. schedules, jobs, sensors). To combine definitions and have them aware of each other, Dagster provides a utility called the Definitions object.

As it turns out, we are already using a Definitions object, and you will find it declared in the file:

from dagster import Definitions, load_assets_from_modules

from . import assets

all_assets = load_assets_from_modules([assets])

defs = Definitions(

Right now our Definitions includes every asset it finds in the ‘dagster_gsheets’ folder, which is why our UI has updated automatically.

Switching from an asset to an I/O Manager

We have hardwired our ‘write to Google Sheet’ function into an asset, and this works, but to make it more versatile, it would be good to set this up as a Dagster I/O Manager. Why is that?

An Asset is a specific, one-of-a-kind declaration. Right now our second ‘asset’ is simply writing the outputs of the first asset to Google sheets, and that is not really the idea of what an asset should do.

What if we wanted to write many of our assets to a google sheet? It would be better to just have Google Sheets set up as a generic destination for our data. This would open up our pipeline to do a couple of things:

  1. It would be easy to then write our dataframe to a different destination than Google Sheets, such as, say, a .csv file or a database.
  2. It would allow us to use the Google Sheets connector for many different assets.

An I/O manager is a user-provided object that stores asset and op outputs and loads them as inputs to downstream assets and ops. As per the docs: “the I/O manager effectively determines where the physical asset lives.”

As it turns out, Dagster uses I/O Managers whether you tell it to or not. If we don’t specify one, it uses a default I/O manager, fs_io_manager, which saves all outputs to the local file. We saw it in action when we first clicked ‘Materialise All’ and our data was saved to file.

So we just need to turn our Google Sheet connection into an I/O manager to enjoy a whole new suite of capabilities.

Dagster has a lot of pre-built I/O Managers that you can just import and plug into your code. But there is not one for Google Sheets, so we will have to roll our own.

Luckily the Dagster Docs have a guide on writing your own I/O Manager.

We are going to do this by deleting our second asset (my_gsheet) and we are going to replace it with a reusable I/O Manager.

As a first step, delete the asset entirely from the dagster_gsheets/ file, so that file now just reads:

from dagster import asset, AssetIn
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json

def my_dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame:
  Pull inflation data from BLS
  headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
  data = json.dumps({"seriesid": ["CUUR0000SA0"], "startyear": "2019", "endyear": "2022"})
  p ="", data=data, headers=headers)
  json_data = json.loads(p.text)
  df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data["Results"]["series"][0]["data"])
  df = df.astype({"year":'int32',"period": 'string',"periodName": 'string',"value":'float'})
  if 'footnotes' in df.columns:
      df.drop(columns=['footnotes'], axis=1, inplace=True)
  return df

You will note that we have also removed the import pygsheets command in the file above. Since we have moved the Google Sheet connection to an I/O Manager, this is no longer required when defining the assets.

Now, working in the file, we are going to need a few more dependencies. Update the imports from dagster as follows:

from dagster import Definitions, load_assets_from_modules, with_resources, IOManager, io_manager
from dagster_gsheets import assets
import pygsheets
import pandas as pd

So we are adding:

  • with_resources (which allows us to add dagster resources to our assets, such as the IO manager)
  • IOManager (base class for user-defined I/O Managers)
  • Io_manager (Decorator that defines an IO manager)
  • Pygsheets
  • Pandas

Let’s update the Definitions in the file so that our assets can use the I/O Manager we are going to define. We add I/O Managers as resources:

defs = Definitions(
    resources={"io_manager": gsheets_io_manager}

Next, we are going to add our custom I/O Manager. For this, we need two items:

  1. A new child class for dagster.IOManager (which I will call GSIOManager)
  2. A @io_manager decorated function.

Let’s add the child class to the file:

class GSIOManager(IOManager):

   def __init__(self):
       self.auth = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='dagster_gsheets/service-key.json')
       self.sheet ='Dagster Demo Sheet')
       self.wks = self.sheet[0]
       self.wks.title = "My Data"

   def handle_output(self, context, obj: pd.DataFrame):
       header = self.wks.cell('A1')
       header.text_format['bold'] = True  # make the header bold
       self.wks.set_dataframe(obj, (1, 1))
       context.add_output_metadata({"num_rows": len(obj)})

   def load_input(self, context):
     return Null

You will notice that for now, I am specifying how to write to Google sheers (handle_output) but not how to read from it yet (load_input).

Next, let’s add our @io_manager

def gsheets_io_manager():
   return GSIOManager()

So all told, your file will now look like this:

from dagster import Definitions, load_assets_from_modules, IOManager, io_manager
import pygsheets
import pandas as pd

from . import assets

all_assets = load_assets_from_modules([assets])

class GSIOManager(IOManager):

   def __init__(self):
       self.auth = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='dagster_gsheets/service-key.json')
       self.sheet ='Dagster Demo Sheet')
       self.wks = self.sheet[0]
       self.wks.title = "My Data"

   def handle_output(self, context, obj: pd.DataFrame):
       header = self.wks.cell('A1')
       header.text_format['bold'] = True  # make the header bold
       self.wks.set_dataframe(obj, (1, 1))
       context.add_output_metadata({"num_rows": len(obj)})

   def load_input(self, context) -> pd.DataFrame:
       df = self.wks.get_as_df()
       return df

def gsheets_io_manager():
   return GSIOManager()

defs = Definitions(
    resources={"io_manager": gsheets_io_manager},

Now you would think that we should go to the asset itself (my_dataframe) and specify that we want it to use our new I/O Manager. But that is not necessary, as we have overwritten the default I/O Manager, and Dagster will now use the new one by default.

If you refresh the location in Dagit, you will now see just our one asset:

a screengrab of an empty Dagster asset

Hit ‘Materialize all’ one more time, and your dataframe will now write neatly to your Google Sheet.

A screen grab of a Google sheet with ingested data
Adding the input

Now let’s tackle the ‘I’ side of I/O - the Input. We will rework to I/O manager to also be able to load data from Google sheets. We do this by defining the load_input method for our GSIOManager class:

def load_input(self, context) -> pd.DataFrame:
   df = self.wks.get_as_df()
   return df

So now your GSIOManager class will look like this:

class GSIOManager(IOManager):

   def __init__(self):
       self.auth = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='dagster_gsheets/service-key.json')
       self.sheet ='Dagster Demo Sheet')
       self.wks = self.sheet[0]
       self.wks.title = "My Data"

   def handle_output(self, context, obj: pd.DataFrame):
       header = self.wks.cell('A1')
       header.text_format['bold'] = True  # make the header bold
       self.wks.set_dataframe(obj, (1, 1))
       context.add_output_metadata({"num_rows": len(obj)})

   def load_input(self, context) -> pd.DataFrame:
       df = self.wks.get_as_df()
       return df

To complete this section of our tutorial, let’s add a second asset called my_dataframe_percent_change that will read from the Google sheet, compute a new column, then write that back to the sheet.

Back in the file let’s add this asset:

       ins={"my_dataframe": AssetIn(input_manager_key="io_manager")}
def my_dataframe_percent_change(context, my_dataframe) -> pd.DataFrame:
   Add a percentage difference column.
   my_dataframe = my_dataframe.sort_values(by=['year','period'])
   my_dataframe.loc[:, f'percent_change'] = (my_dataframe['value'].diff(periods=1) / my_dataframe['value']).map('{:.2%}'.format)
   return my_dataframe

In order, this block of code:

  • Defines a new asset, adds it to our asset group, and specifies the input for creating this asset, namely our new io_manager.
  • Gives our asset a name, specifies the upstream dependency (`my_dataframe)`, and specifies the expected output (a dataframe)
  • Adds a descriptor for the asset
  • Sorts the dataframe by year then period
  • Calculates a new column, namely the percentage change between periods
  • Returns the new dataframe.

Again, no need to specify where to save the output, as Dagster will handle that for you automagically.

Reload our Dagit location, and we now have our two assets:

A screen grab of two dagster assets indicating a dependency

You now have the choice to materialize all and run the whole pipeline. But by now you are probably tired of waiting on the BLS API. Luckily you also have the choice of selecting just the new asset and clicking materialize selected

an illustration of the materialize all button

….since we have already materialized the first asset and the data is already in our Google Sheet.

Assuming all went to plan, you will now see a new column called percent_change.

a screenshot of our modified Google Sheet with an additional calculated column.

So there you have it. To recap we have:

  1. Installed Dagster locally
  2. Created two distinct data assets - one that pulls and stores data from a REST API and one that creates a new asset based on manipulating an existing asset.
  3. Created a custom I/O Manager for Dagster that can read and write to Google Sheets.

Naturally, there are lots of enhancements we can make from here. First we would want to make our authentication details secure, and you can find details on that here. We can make the I/O Manager more flexible by accepting inputs, which might control things like which worksheet to save to. We could also put our little pipeline on a schedule so that it updates every month (BLS data does not refresh that often!). Or we could factor out the API as a resource.

But for now, I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Dagster.

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