October 25, 20229 minute read

Build a poor man’s data lake from scratch with DuckDB

Pete Hunt
Pete Hunt
Sandy Ryza
Sandy Ryza
Build a poor man’s data lake from scratch with DuckDB

DuckDB is a very hot technology trend as of October 2022
What does Zoolander have to do with Data Engineering? Probably less than you might think.

DuckDB is so hot right now. It could be for a few reasons:

But I think there’s a different reason underlying the hype around DuckDB.

We all have this feeling that the current explosion of data tools has made things harder and overly complex. DuckDB is a breath of fresh air; a powerful, feature-rich SQL engine that’s fast enough and runs anywhere you need it - no SaaS required.

What would it take to replace our cloud data warehouses or data lakes with DuckDB?

Table of contents:

📏 The limitations of DuckDB
🏃‍️ Before we get started…
🔨 What we’ll build
🛫 Getting started
🌊 The core abstraction
🧪 Writing a test
🪚 Implementing the core DuckDB class
🧵 Converting SQL objects to strings
🖼️ Collecting data frames
🔌 Implementing the IOManager
🪛 Wiring up our project
🗑️ More realistic data pipelines
🧬 Future work

Let Pete Hunt walk you through building a local data lake from scratch with DuckDB

📏 The limitations of DuckDB

So should we rip out our Snowflake, BigQuery, and Databricks setups and replace them with DuckDB?

Not so fast. Despite what Data Twitter™ may tell you, DuckDB does have its limits. One big one is that it’s designed for use on a single machine. If your data doesn’t fit on a single machine, you’re hosed. Fortunately, computers are pretty fast these days, especially when you look at the top offerings on AWS, so many organizations don’t have data big enough to require multiple machines.

The second is that DuckDB is fundamentally a single-player experience. It operates on a single file on disk, and it’s very hard for multiple data scientists, engineers, or teams to share the data, ensure that it’s up-to-date, and run multiple concurrent processes.

However, when DuckDB is combined with a small number of other technologies - such as Dagster, S3, and Parquet - it can become a powerful, multiplayer data lake that can serve the needs of many organizations with very little effort.

🏃‍️ Before we get started…

Warning: This is all experimental!

DuckDB is a rapidly evolving technology, and the practices in this blog post aren’t widely adopted in industry. Do your own research before implementing any of this stuff, and consider this blog post simply a bunch of crazy ideas. However, I’d imagine that something like this could be productionized fairly quickly and could be the future of data engineering for some class of businesses where it makes sense.

🔨 What we’ll build

We’re going to build a version of dbt’s Jaffle Shop example using the following tools:

Most importantly, we’re going to be building this from the ground up. We won’t be using any existing library written for this blog post, so hopefully you’ll learn a lot about these three systems!

For the purposes of this blog post we’ll call it DuckPond.

🛫 Getting started

First, as always, we’ll scaffold a new project. Go to https://www.gitpod.new/ to get a fresh Python environment to play around with if you don’t want to set one up locally.

Next, run pip install dagster && dagster project scaffold --name=jaffle. At this point you should have a simple “hello world” example on disk. Let’s cd jaffle and add the following dependencies to setup.py:

  • pandas - so we can manipulate data in Python
  • duckdb - so we can use SQL
  • sqlescapy - so we can interpolate values into SQL safely
  • lxml and html5lib - so we can scrape tables from Wikipedia for our first example

And these to our extra dev dependencies:

  • localstack - our local S3 service
  • awscli - the AWS CLI tools
  • awscli-local - the localstack wrapper for awscli

Run pip install -e '.[dev]' to install these dependencies.

Once installed, we’ll spin up a local development version of our data lake. Run localstack start to bring up a local development version of S3, and then create a bucket called datalake by running awslocal s3 mb s3://datalake.

localstack runs a local suite of common AWS services including S3. By default, it uses port 4566, and has test as both the access key ID and secret.

🌊 The core abstraction

High level technical diagram showing the relationship between an S3 buckt and DuckDB enginer running with Dagster's app

Our data lake is going to be a set of Parquet files on S3. This combination is supported natively by DuckDB, and is also ubiquitous, open (Parquet is open-source, and S3 is now a generic API implemented by a number of open-source and proprietary systems), and fairly efficient, supporting features such as compression, predicate pushdown, and HTTP RANGE reads to scan only the parts of the file that you need to.

Every table in our data warehouse will be represented by a Parquet file in S3, and every single Parquet file in S3 will be backed by a Dagster Software-Defined Asset. One of the advantages of DuckDB is how easy it is to interleave Python and SQL code, so we’ll need a way to easily construct SQL strings from Python and pass Python values into the SQL string.

So let’s start by modeling this as a Python class. Open up jaffle/duckpond.py and add:

class SQL:
    def __init__(self, sql, **bindings):
        self.sql = sql
        self.bindings = bindings

This is the primary class we’ll be using to pass DuckDB data between assets. It has two fields:

  • sql - a SELECT query, which may include placeholders of the form $name.
  • bindings - a mapping of names to values to be interpolated into the SQL query. This should support basic Python types like str and int, Pandas DataFrames, and other instances of SQL.

With this tiny abstraction in place, let’s write a very basic example of how it may be used. Open up jaffle/assets/__init__.py:

from dagster import asset
from jaffle.duckpond import SQL
import pandas as pd

def population() -> SQL:
    df = pd.read_html(
    df.columns = [
    df["pop_change"] = [
        float(str(row).rstrip("%").replace("\u2212", "-")) for row in df["pop_change"]
    return SQL("select * from $df", df=df)

def continent_population(population: SQL) -> SQL:
    return SQL(
        "select continent, avg(pop_change) as avg_pop_change from $population group by 1 order by 2 desc",

As you can see, the SQL abstraction allows us to easily compose together SQL and Python code (thanks to the power of Pandas, DuckDB and the lingua franca, Parquet). population() uses Pandas to scrape Wikipedia data and store it in a DataFrame, queries it via DuckDB and stores the results as a new Parquet file on S3. continent_population() reads the stored data with DuckDB and creates a new transformed Parquet file and stores it on S3.

🧪 Writing a test

Before we start the implementation, let’s open up jaffle_tests/test_assets.py and add a test case:

from jaffle.assets import population, continent_population
from jaffle.duckpond import DuckDB

def test_assets():
    p = population()
    c = continent_population(p)
    assert (
        == "select continent, avg(pop_change) as avg_pop_change from $population group by 1 order by 2 desc"
    assert "population" in c.bindings
    df = DuckDB().query(c)
    top = df.loc[0]
    assert top["continent"] == "Africa"
    assert round(top["avg_pop_change"]) == 2

This test isn’t best practice - it hits the network to download the dataset - but is a neat end-to-end test of the system for the purposes of this example.

You’ll notice that the DuckDB object hasn’t been implemented yet; let’s do that first so we can get our test passing!

🪚 Implementing the core DuckDB class

Our test above references a class called DuckDB and uses it to query our SQL objects returned by our software-defined assets. This class is a small wrapper around DuckDB that turns SQL instances into strings that DuckDB can query. Additionally, it magically registers the referenced DataFrames so they can be efficiently queried.

Let’s implement it step-by-step, starting with the core class in jaffle/duckpond.py.

from duckdb import connect

class DuckDB:
    def __init__(self, options=""):
        self.options = options

    def query(self, select_statement: SQL):
        db = connect(":memory:")
        db.query("install httpfs; load httpfs;")

        dataframes = collect_dataframes(select_statement)
        for key, value in dataframes.items():
            db.register(key, value)

        result = db.query(sql_to_string(select_statement))
        if result is None:
        return result.df()

The DuckDB class takes an options string, which allows users to pass custom parameters to DuckDB (like S3 credentials).

The query() method does a few different things:

  • It creates an ephemeral DuckDB database
  • It installs and loads the httpfs extension, which adds HTTP and S3 support to DuckDB, along with any other user provided options
  • It calls collect_dataframes() (discussed below) to identify all DataFrames referenced by the query, and register()s them with the database.
  • Finally, it uses sql_to_string() (discussed below) to convert the SQL object to a string, runs the query and returns the result as a DataFrame, if any result was returned.

🧵 Converting SQL objects to strings

We need to convert SQL objects - which may contain placeholder values - to a string of valid SQL code where the placeholders have all been removed. An additional wrinkle is that the SQL objects may contain references to other SQL objects, so this needs to be a recursive process.

Here is the code:

from string import Template
from sqlescapy import sqlescape
import pandas as pd

def sql_to_string(s: SQL) -> str:
    replacements = {}
    for key, value in s.bindings.items():
        if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
            replacements[key] = f"df_{id(value)}"
        elif isinstance(value, SQL):
            replacements[key] = f"({sql_to_string(value)})"
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            replacements[key] = f"'{sqlescape(value)}'"
        elif isinstance(value, (int, float, bool)):
            replacements[key] = str(value)
        elif value is None:
            replacements[key] = "null"
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid type for {key}")
    return Template(s.sql).safe_substitute(replacements)

Fundamentally, this replaces placeholders in the SQL query with a string corresponding to the binding value passed in using Python’s built-in string.Template. We need to handle a few types of values:

  • DataFrames are converted to a unique identifier using Python’s built-in id() function.
  • SQL instances are recursively converted to strings via sql_to_string()
  • Strings are escaped using the sqlescapy library
  • All other primitive types are inserted directly

🖼️ Collecting data frames

We also need to walk through our SQL query and collect all of the DataFrames referenced so they can be registered with DuckDB as views. Here’s the code:

from typing import Mapping

def collect_dataframes(s: SQL) -> Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame]:
    dataframes = {}
    for key, value in s.bindings.items():
        if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
            dataframes[f"df_{id(value)}"] = value
        elif isinstance(value, SQL):
    return dataframes

Whew! Now our test should pass by running pytest -s jaffle_tests.

🔌 Implementing the IOManager

So far, our code really only works in tests. In fact, we haven’t written any code that uses S3 or Parquet yet! Let’s change that by writing the code that deals with input-output, also known as I/O.

As you saw in our example pipeline, we didn’t write any code to deal with reading from or writing to storage. Dagster abstracts that away with a concept called I/O managers. The I/O manager abstracts away the logic of how your data is stored and the business logic of how your data is computed. This keeps your software-defined assets code clean, readable, fast, and extremely easy to test (we’ll get to that later).

Let’s add the I/O manager to jaffle/duckpond.py step-by-step. We’ll start with this:

from dagster import ConfigurableIOManager

class DuckPondIOManager(ConfigurableIOManager):
    bucket_name: str
    duckdb_options: str
    prefix: str = ""

    def duckdb(self) -> DuckDB:
        return DuckDB(self.duckdb_options)

    def _get_s3_url(self, context):
        if context.has_asset_key:
            id = context.get_asset_identifier()
            id = context.get_identifier()
        return f"s3://{self.bucket_name}/{self.prefix}{'/'.join(id)}.parquet"

The DuckPondIOManager takes config for the DuckDB instance it’ll use for running SQL, as well as a bucket_name indicating which S3 bucket should be used for storage, and an optional prefix for customizing the specific location of the Parquet files. We'll implement a property to create the DuckDB instance.

Next, it implements a _get_s3_url() method, which uses Dagster’s get_asset_identifier() API plus the provided prefix and bucket_name to construct the S3 URL where the current asset should be located.

Now, let’s handle writing some data to S3:

def handle_output(self, context, select_statement: SQL):
    if select_statement is None:

    if not isinstance(select_statement, SQL):
        raise ValueError(
            r"Expected asset to return a SQL; got {select_statement!r}"

            "copy $select_statement to $url (format parquet)",

This function is part of IOManager and is responsible for storing any return values from Software-Defined Assets into the datalake. If None is passed, nothing needs to be stored. Otherwise, it expects assets to return an instance of SQL. Then it constructs the S3 URL and uses DuckDB’s magic incantation to write the query output to a Parquet file on S3.

Finally, we handle loading the data from S3:

def load_input(self, context) -> SQL:
    return SQL("select * from read_parquet($url)", url=self._get_s3_url(context))

Hey, that wasn’t too hard! That’s because DuckDB natively knows how to load Parquet files from S3, so all we have to do is pass in the proper URL and let DuckDB do the rest.

🪛 Wiring up our project

Now it’s time to hook it all together and add the DuckPondIOManager in __init__.py, which will enable our already-tested assets to read and write from actual storage. We do this by collecting everything in a Definitions object that binds the I/O manager to the assets for execution.

from jaffle.duckpond import DuckPondIOManager

duckdb_localstack = DuckDB("""
set s3_access_key_id='test';
set s3_secret_access_key='test';
set s3_endpoint='localhost:4566';
set s3_use_ssl='false';
set s3_url_style='path';

defs = Definitions(
        "io_manager": DuckPondIOManager(bucket_name="datalake", duckdb_options=DUCKDB_LOCAL_CONFIG)

Now we’re ready to run the full pipeline. Run localstack start to start our local S3 and create the bucket by running awslocal s3 mb s3://datalake.

Run dagit in your terminal, and hit that Materialize All button! You should see all steps complete successfully. You can double check by taking a look at your finished asset in your terminal by running:

pip install pyarrow
awslocal s3 cp s3://datalake/continent_population.parquet .
python3 -c'import pandas as pd; print(pd.read_parquet("continent_population.parquet"))'

Which should produce the following output:

    continent  avg_pop_change
0    Africa        2.251207
1      Asia        1.338039
2      None        1.080000
3  Americas        0.768302
4   Oceania        0.734348
5    Europe        0.120426

🗑️ More realistic data pipelines

A snapshot of Dagster's UI showing the Global Asset Lineage graph
Our Jaffle Shop data pipeline.

Now let’s implement the Jaffle Shop example. We’ll take it step by step. First, clear out everything in jaffle/assets/__init__.py and add:

from dagster import asset
from jaffle.duckpond import SQL
import pandas as pd

def stg_customers() -> SQL:
    df = pd.read_csv(
    df.rename(columns={"id": "customer_id"}, inplace=True)
    return SQL("select * from $df", df=df)

This reads some seed data as a CSV file and does some basic Python data transformations with Pandas dataframe to prepare it.

We do some similar things with the two other tables:

def stg_orders() -> SQL:
    df = pd.read_csv(
    df.rename(columns={"id": "order_id", "user_id": "customer_id"}, inplace=True)
    return SQL("select * from $df", df=df)

def stg_payments() -> SQL:
    df = pd.read_csv(
    df.rename(columns={"id": "payment_id"}, inplace=True)
    df["amount"] = df["amount"].map(lambda amount: amount / 100)
    return SQL("select * from $df", df=df)

Next, let’s build a big unified customers table with a large DuckDB query.

def customers(stg_customers: SQL, stg_orders: SQL, stg_payments: SQL) -> SQL:
    return SQL(
with customers as (
    select * from $stg_customers
orders as (
    select * from $stg_orders
payments as (
    select * from $stg_payments
customer_orders as (
        min(order_date) as first_order,
        max(order_date) as most_recent_order,
        count(order_id) as number_of_orders
    from orders
    group by customer_id
customer_payments as (
        sum(amount) as total_amount
    from payments
    left join orders on
         payments.order_id = orders.order_id
    group by orders.customer_id
final as (
        customer_payments.total_amount as customer_lifetime_value
    from customers
    left join customer_orders
        on customers.customer_id = customer_orders.customer_id
    left join customer_payments
        on  customers.customer_id = customer_payments.customer_id

select * from final

Note that we’re able to reference the previous assets we stored in S3. DuckDB will load them in parallel and only fetch the parts of the file that are needed to serve the query.

These strings can get large, so you may want to use a query builder or templating engine like Ibis, SQLAlchemy or Jinja, possibly loading the SQL from an external .sql file.

Let’s add another complex SQL asset, orders:

def orders(stg_orders: SQL, stg_payments: SQL) -> SQL:
    payment_methods = ["credit_card", "coupon", "bank_transfer", "gift_card"]
    return SQL(
with orders as (
    select * from $stg_orders
payments as (
    select * from $stg_payments
order_payments as (
        {"".join(f"sum(case when payment_method = '{payment_method}' then amount else 0 end) as {payment_method}_amount," for payment_method in payment_methods)}
        sum(amount) as total_amount
    from payments
    group by order_id
final as (

        {"".join(f"order_payments.{payment_method}_amount," for payment_method in payment_methods)}

        order_payments.total_amount as amount
    from orders
    left join order_payments
        on orders.order_id = order_payments.order_id

select * from final

This is largely similar to customers, except it uses Python code to preprocess the SQL string by integrating the different payment_methods.

Finally, let’s preview all the assets in the log:

def preview_all(
    context: OpExecutionContext, io_manager: DuckPondIOManager, customers: SQL, orders: SQL

Note that we call duckdb.query() to seamlessly access the contents of these SQL assets from Python as a DataFrame.

Now, reload your project and open it in Dagit to see the full lineage:

You can now run Materialize All to materialize your asset graph, and you should see the customers and orders printed to the log.

Dagit - Dagster's ui - with run details.

🧬 Future work

Well, that was a whirlwind tour! Hopefully, you learned a bunch about DuckDB, Parquet, and Dagster.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, this is probably not something you want to bet on just yet. However, it’s possible that we could see the rise of DuckDB for subsets of your workload that don’t have ultra-high-scale and would benefit from its numerous benefits.

With that said, the natural home for something like this would be inside of dbt. If this design pattern becomes popular, perhaps it will be implemented inside of dbt-duckdb, or inside of Dagster’s dbt integration.

Anyway, thanks for reading this far! I hope it was helpful. And don’t forget to star Dagster on GitHub!

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