Dagster Data Engineering Glossary:
Unstructured Data Analysis

Unstructured Data Analysis definition
Unstructured Data Analysis (UDA) is the process of analyzing and extracting meaningful insights from data that does not have a pre-defined data model or structure. Unstructured data can take many forms, including text, images, audio, video, and social media posts. This type of data is often generated in large volumes and can be difficult to manage and analyze using traditional data analysis techniques.
Unstructured data is more challenging to analyze than structured data because, as its name infers, it lacks the organization and predictability of structured data. Structured data is typically stored in a database or spreadsheet, with a defined schema that outlines the data fields, data types, and relationships between tables. This makes it easier to query and analyze using standard SQL queries or data visualization tools.
In contrast, unstructured data is often stored in a raw format, such as text documents, images, or videos, with no predefined structure or schema. This means that there is no easy way to extract meaning from the data without first processing it using specialized tools and techniques. Furthermore, unstructured data is often incomplete, noisy, and heterogeneous, making it difficult to clean and prepare for analysis.
To effectively analyze unstructured data, data engineers need to use a variety of techniques such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning. These techniques allow data engineers to extract meaning from unstructured data and make it useful for downstream analysis, such as text sentiment analysis or image classification.
Unstructured Data Analysis techniques
Some common techniques used in data engineering for unstructured data analysis in Python include:
Text preprocessing: This involves cleaning, normalizing, and tokenizing text data. Common preprocessing techniques include removing stop words, stemming, and lemmatization.
Sentiment analysis: This involves using natural language processing techniques to analyze the sentiment or emotion expressed in a piece of text. Python libraries like TextBlob and NLTK can be used for sentiment analysis.
Named entity recognition: This involves identifying and extracting named entities like people, organizations, and locations from text data. Python libraries like SpaCy and NLTK can be used for named entity recognition.
Topic modeling: This involves identifying the underlying topics or themes in a collection of documents. Techniques like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) can be used for topic modeling in Python.
Image processing: This involves analyzing and manipulating images using Python libraries like Pillow and OpenCV. Common tasks include resizing, cropping, and applying filters to images.
Audio processing: This involves analyzing and manipulating audio files using Python libraries like LibROSA and Pydub. Common tasks include converting audio files to different formats, extracting features like tempo and pitch, and applying filters to audio signals.
Data visualization: This involves creating visual representations of unstructured data to aid in analysis and interpretation. Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn can be used for data visualization.
Cosine Similarity



Geospatial Analysis



Normality Testing


Sentiment Analysis

Time Series Analysis