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Ensure that each individual operation on a distributed system appear to occur instantaneously.

Linearizability definition:

Linearizability is a correctness condition that ensures that all operations on a distributed system (such as reads, writes, and updates to a data store) appear to occur instantaneously at some point between their start and end times. It constrains what outputs are possible when an object is accessed by multiple processes concurrently. This means that if one operation finishes before another operation starts, the first operation must appear to happen before the second in the system's global order of operations.

As a concept, Linearizability is used in the field of distributed systems and data engineering as it pertains to the consistency of operations in a distributed data store. It is a specific form of consistency model that aims to simplify the understanding and reasoning about the behavior of distributed systems.

Linearizability is not related to the concept of linearizing data.

Key Properties of Linearizability

  • Atomicity: Each operation is atomic, meaning it either happens entirely or not at all. There's no partial visibility of operations to the clients.
  • Ordering: Operations are ordered in a way that respects real-time. If operation A completes before operation B starts, then operation A must appear to have happened before operation B in the system's history.
  • Consistency: The system's state after any sequence of operations must be the same as if the operations had been executed in some sequential order that is consistent with the real-time ordering of the operations.

Importance of Linearizability in Distributed Systems

Linearizability is crucial for distributed systems because it provides a straightforward and intuitive way of understanding the system's behavior. When a system is linearizable, developers and users can reason about its state and operations as if they were dealing with a single, atomic system, even though the operations may be distributed across multiple nodes and may involve complex coordination.

Examples and Applications of Linearizability

  • Distributed databases: Ensuring that all replicas of a piece of data reflect the same sequence of updates, even in the presence of network partitions and failures.
  • Concurrent data structures: Like concurrent queues or maps in multi-threaded programming, where operations by different threads must reflect a single, coherent order of execution.

Challenges and Trade-offs

Implementing linearizability in distributed systems comes with its challenges, primarily related to performance and availability. Ensuring strict ordering and atomicity of operations can lead to increased latency, as operations might need to wait for coordination among nodes. Additionally, in the presence of network partitions or node failures, maintaining linearizability can lead to decreased availability since the system might need to block operations until it can guarantee their order and atomicity.

In practice, systems often have to balance between strict linearizability and other considerations like availability and partition tolerance (as per the CAP theorem), leading to various consistency models such as eventual consistency, causal consistency, and others that relax some constraints to achieve better performance or availability under certain conditions.

Linearizability and Data Orchestration

Data orchestration handles the complexities of dependencies, scheduling, and the execution of tasks across distributed architectures.

Therefore, the relationship between linearizability and data orchestration in a distributed system is foundational to ensuring that data remains consistent and that workflows execute reliably. Since linearizability provides a guarantee that operations on data are executed in a manner that respects the chronological order of events, it is crucial for data orchestration, which relies on the predictable and consistent state of data to manage dependencies between tasks effectively.

For instance, in a data pipeline that involves reading data from a distributed database, transforming it, and then writing it back to another store, linearizability ensures that the read operations see the most recent writes in the correct order. This consistency is vital for the orchestration layer to correctly sequence tasks, manage dependencies, and ensure that each step of the pipeline operates on the correct version of the data.

An example of linearizability in Python

Linearizability is a difficult concept to capture outside of a distributed system. This said, to illustrate the concept using just a simple Python example, let's simulate a basic scenario involving a bank account with threaded operations like deposit and withdrawal.

In a linearizable system, if these operations are performed in a certain order, their effects should appear in that same order, regardless of any delays or the distribution of these operations across different threads or processes.

We'll create a simple BankAccount class with thread-safe deposit and withdrawal methods, ensuring that if one operation completes before another starts, its effect is visible in the order of operations. We'll use threading to simulate concurrent operations and locks to ensure atomicity and maintain linearizability.

Artificial delays were added to the deposit and withdrawal operations to simulate the real-world latency that can occur in a distributed system. These delays help illustrate the importance of linearizability, as the system still ensures that all operations are processed in a consistent and orderly manner, despite the added complexity of concurrent operations and timing differences.

import threading
import random
import time

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self):
        self.balance = 0
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def deposit(self, amount):
        with self.lock:  # Ensuring atomicity and order
            # Simulate a delay
            time.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.1))
            self.balance += amount
            print(f"Deposited €{amount}, New Balance: {'€{:,.2f}'.format(self.balance)}")

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        with self.lock:  # Ensuring atomicity and order
            # Simulate a delay
            time.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.1))
            if self.balance >= amount:
                self.balance -= amount
                print(f"Withdrew €{amount}, New Balance: {'€{:,.2f}'.format(self.balance)}")
                print(f"Insufficient funds for withdrawal of {amount}")

def perform_transactions(account):
    for _ in range(10):
        action = random.choice(['deposit', 'withdraw'])
        amount = round(random.randint(1, 100000)/100,2)
        if action == 'deposit':

## Create a bank account then fund it
account = BankAccount()
account.balance = 1000

## Simulate concurrent deposits and withdrawals with random amounts and delays
threads = [threading.Thread(target=perform_transactions, args=(account,)) for _ in range(10)]

for thread in threads:

for thread in threads:

final_balance= "€{:,.2f}".format(account.balance)
print(f"Final Balance: {final_balance}")

Our example will run for a while, executing transactions with random amounts, each subjected to a simulated network delay:

Deposited €178.81, New Balance: €5,075.31
Deposited €828.37, New Balance: €5,903.68
Withdrew €164.68, New Balance: €5,739.00
Withdrew €203.17, New Balance: €5,535.83
Withdrew €638.13, New Balance: €4,897.70
Deposited €456.11, New Balance: €5,353.81
Withdrew €281.57, New Balance: €5,072.24
Withdrew €480.37, New Balance: €4,591.87
Final Balance: €4,591.87

This example illustrates the three key aspects of linearizability meantioned earlier:

  • Atomicity: Each deposit and withdrawal operation is atomic, meaning it's treated as a single, indivisible action thanks to the lock. This ensures that the operation either fully completes or doesn't happen at all if it's interrupted.
  • Ordering: The lock also guarantees that operations are processed in the order they are received. If two threads try to perform operations at the same time, the lock forces one to wait until the other is finished, maintaining a sequential order of effects on the balance.
  • Consistency: The final state of the bank account (its balance) reflects the total sequence of operations performed on it, as if they had been executed one after another, in some order, without interference from other operations.

This simple Python example models a linearizable system where the sequence and effects of operations (deposits and withdrawals) are predictable and consistent, mirroring the key principles of linearizability in distributed systems and data engineering.

Other data engineering terms related to
Data Management:
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Adding or attaching new records or data items to the end of an existing dataset, database table, file, or list.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Append'


Move rarely accessed data to a low-cost, long-term storage solution to reduce costs. Store data for long-term retention and compliance.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Archive'
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Add new data or information to an existing dataset to enhance its value.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Augment'


The automatic execution of computations and the persistence of their results.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Auto-materialize'


Create a copy of data to protect against loss or corruption.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Backup'
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Batch Processing

Process large volumes of data all at once in a single operation or batch.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Batch Processing'
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Store expensive computation results so they can be reused, not recomputed.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Cache'
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Organizing and classifying data into different categories, groups, or segments.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Categorize'
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Saving the state of a process at certain points so that it can be restarted from that point in case of failure.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Checkpointing'
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Identify and remove duplicate records or entries to improve data quality.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Deduplicate'


Deserialization is essentially the reverse process of serialization. See: 'Serialize'.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Deserialize'
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Analyzing the number of features or attributes in the data to improve performance.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Dimensionality'
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The bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Encapsulate'
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Enhance data with additional information from external sources.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Enrich'


Extract data from a system for use in another system or application.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Export'
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Graph Theory

A powerful tool to model and understand intricate relationships within our data systems.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Graph Theory'
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An operation that produces the same result each time it is performed.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Idempotent'
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Create an optimized data structure for fast search and retrieval.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Index'
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Combine data from different sources to create a unified view for analysis or reporting.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Integrate'
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Understand how data moves through a pipeline, including its origin, transformations, dependencies, and ultimate consumption.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Lineage'
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Executing a computation and persisting the results into storage.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Materialize'
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Store the results of expensive function calls and reusing them when the same inputs occur again.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Memoize'
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Combine data from multiple datasets into a single dataset.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Merge'
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Create a conceptual representation of data objects.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Model'


Track data processing metrics and system health to ensure high availability and performance.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Monitor'
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Named Entity Recognition

Locate and classify named entities in text into pre-defined categories.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Named Entity Recognition'
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Interpret and convert data from one format to another.
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Data partitioning is a technique that data engineers and ML engineers use to divide data into smaller subsets for improved performance.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Partition'
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Transform your data so it is fit-for-purpose.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Prep'
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Transform raw data before data analysis or machine learning modeling.
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Primary Key

A unique identifier for a record in a database table that helps maintain data integrity.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Primary Key'
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Create a copy of data for redundancy or distributed processing.


Increasing the capacity or performance of a system to handle more data or traffic.
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Schema Inference

Automatically identify the structure of a dataset.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Schema Inference'
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Schema Mapping

Translate data from one schema or structure to another to facilitate data integration.
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Secondary Index

Improve the efficiency of data retrieval in a database or storage system.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Secondary Index'
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Software-defined Asset

A declarative design pattern that represents a data asset through code.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Software-defined Asset'


Ensure that data in different systems or databases are in sync and up-to-date.
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Check data for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Validate'
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Maintain a history of changes to data for auditing and tracking purposes.
An image representing the data engineering concept of 'Version'